Leadership ▏Entrepreneurship ▏Academics ▏Development
We imagine a world where youths are taking up the leads of leadership, breaking grounds & making landmarks in entrepreneurship, making waves in their academics; influencing, imparting and developing their world which is the summary of a fulfilled life.
We are passionate and committed to inspiring and empowering youths to strike balance between the basic quadrants of influence in life centered on building a capacity to LEAD.
Leadership Entrepreneurship Academics Development
The project “Youth in Enterprise ” is aimed at encouraging and empowering youths to think outside the box, creating business plans and implementing them. It is also a platform where new ideas and thinking are formulated by youths for empowering businesses.
We are working on eliminating the tradition of youths going to school with more focus on the certificate rather than its application for societal improvement
This is geared towards equipping youth with skills outside academics in Information Communication Technology (ICT), art exhibition, interior decoration and pastries.
Inxpire.com is a value driven system, hence, our cores are research based, practical, tested and provide team assessment and team effectiveness system.
Inxpire.com places a great value on trust, honesty, soundness and wholeness in all relations.
We consistently bring on board the best results of highest order with maximum input in all our programs and services.
Our team is the source of our strength; we are team oriented. Involvement and teamwork are our human values.
We believe in creating new ideas, new ways of self-improvement and personal effectiveness to achieve our vision.
We go extra-mile with a focus on the out-put to inspire, empower youths to maximize their potentials and impart their world.
We are always driven by passion with zeal to continually add value to lives.
We are always driven by passion with zeal to continually add value to lives.
Our team is basically made up of dynamic and innovative youths from outstanding institutions across Nigeria with a vision to spreading her tentacles to all youths internationally.
Making a difference is not all about being a big hero, being in a leadership position or in the context of material possession. It is not subject to skin colour, race, tribe, background, disability not even time factor or educational qualifications; there is no limitation to the to the intent and extent to which every Nigerian youth can make a difference and influence their environment.
It all starts with a burning, pulsating and unflinching desire with a deep obsession to genuinely develop interest in Nigeria .
What really makes up Nigeria as a nation really is an aggregate of the input of every citizen. The subject above can be examined based on the following:
Attitude is everything. The will to change and revolution start with attitude. Attitude evaluates the perspective of the dimension of the altitude of our achievement in life.
Attitudinal change encompasses three things (3) things:
Orchestrating these three areas of attitudes, taking initiative and improving on them will in a little time and not in a little way rebrand our nation’s global image.
Our attitude towards our personal life is a reflection of our self-esteem. Self-esteem is a core quality of a healthy personality and healthy country. How much do we take responsibility for our lives? The extents to which we value, feel good and respect our lives revolve around our actions and reactions?
Seeing Nigeria as the most desirable country will create a mental picture of a well desired country, which will eventually transform our attitude towards ourselves, our neighbors, and the big picture we see.
Also, positive affirmations repeated over and over again in the spirit of faith, believe and acceptance will eventually be accepted by the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind will definitely organize our word, actions and behaviors to be consistence with those affirmations.
Our success in leadership tells a lot about our core value and our circle of influence. A personal ethic which creates a sense of responsibility in every individual.
Core value is the heart and the essence of every visionary and transformational leadership and mostly importantly, it is the foundation on which every organization is built. Our prosperity and progress as a nation hinges to developing the values that are rooted in the conservative principles of national sovereignty, economic patriotism, limited government and individual freedom.
We believe strongly that every youth has the potential to be a leader in any capacity hence; a value system must be instilled within the innermost heart of every Nigerian youth.
A difference maker is someone who thinks in terms of solutions instead of just problems, who envision problems
in the perspective of endless opportunities. Solution oriented folks get things done quickly and easily without complaints or excuses.
The beauty of every individual being an archive of solutions is portrayed by the youngest richest billionaire on earth and one of the world's most influential people of 2008, Mark Zuckerberg.
Mark started the journey of fulfillment solving a problem of communication in his father's office of which the success encouraged him to create interest in people to connect to their old friends anywhere on the planet; the invention of Facebook.
The course of the world history all over had been changed by men and women who see solutions in every problem and take the initiative. Inxpire.com have a strong conviction that if every Nigerian especially youth are solution oriented with initiative, this will be lasting solution to poverty syndrome, unemployment and a stepping stone to financial in our nation.